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Locking/Unlocking Files Right-click a file (or click the ellipses (…)) to open the More Options menu. Click Lock. Choose a duration for the lock. If you choose unlimited, the file will be locked until you unlock it manually. … A lock icon to the left of the file’s name will . . . Read more
Use the Command Prompt Or, press the Windows key and R to bring up the Run.. box and type cmd.exe and press Enter. Type “del” or “ren” into the prompt, depending on whether you wish to delete or rename the file, and hit space once. Drag and drop the locked . . . Read more
Open the settings manager > keyboard > shortcuts and you can see that the default shortcut to lock the screen is ctrl-alt-del.
Note the use of ‘ in the path of a file to be run. I believe this behavior was added to prevent spaces in the file path to the exe causing problems….Here is an example: Program/script: powershell.exe. Add arguments: -command "& ‘C:\HSD – Copy\logoffstudents. ps1’ " -NonInteractive. Start in: Blank.
1 Answer. It’s basically the same as how you’d pass them in command prompt: Separate the arguments by space, Enclose each argument with double quotes, " if metacharacters are involved.
Navigate the following: Task Scheduler Library > New Folder (Testing), then click on "Create Basic Task". Provide the Task Name such as "Open Web browser" and click next. Choose when would you like your task to start and click next. Set the Start date and time of the task and . . . Read more
Run with highest privileges – this option essentially gives the task administrator privileges the same way the User Account Control (UAC) prompt would do it. If you plan to use this for administrative purposes, you will probably want to enable this option.
One of the useful capabilities is that you can add arguments when you choose starting a program. This option provides the possibility of reusing a generic program in multiple schedulers instead of specify the arguments in multiple programs.
Open the Windows Scheduler and create a basic task: Add a task trigger. I will run this script every day. Select “Start a program” If you work with Windows PowerShell, you must use the following path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.
4.2 In Triggers tab: click New, in Settings check Daily, for Start choose 12:00AM; 4.3 In Actions tab: click New, for Program/script choose the CreateFile. bat file path; in Add arguments (optional), use the same Name as in #4.1 (which will pass to the batch file as parameter value for . . . Read more