
What is AF selfie?

AF is an abbreviation for autofocus. When a camera or lens has AF written on the side of it, it’s…

3 years ago

How do you use AF-on?

For the purpose of focusing a DSLR camera, pressing the AF-ON button has the same effect as pressing the shutter-release…

3 years ago

What does Ash mean on TikTok?

Ash means “As Hell”

3 years ago

What does ASF mean on TikTok?

"As F*ck" is the most common definition for ASF on TikTok, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. ASF. Definition: As…

3 years ago

What does AF mean heart?

During atrial fibrillation, the heart’s upper chambers (the atria) beat chaotically and irregularly — out of sync with the lower…

3 years ago

What is AF in Mobile?

AF is an abbreviation for autofocus. When a camera or lens has AF written on the side of it, it’s…

3 years ago

What is AF-on a camera?

Autofocus (AF) is the system that automatically adjusts camera focus. … The camera focuses when the shutter-release button is pressed…

3 years ago

What does AF-ON button mean?

Autofocus On On all modern digital cameras, the AF-ON Button stands for “Autofocus On”. It is used for engaging autofocus…

3 years ago

What does AFK mean in Discord?

away from keyboard Marko Ticak. Afk is an abbreviation for away from keyboard. It lets people know that you will…

3 years ago

How do you use AFK in Discord?

To set your AFK (Away From Keyboard, for the non-gamers) status, type in “afk set [desired status].” The custom status…

3 years ago