these things are fairly common. Now to answer your question, yes beefalos can breed alone as the magic of love…
The Bee Queen is spawned after a Gigantic Beehive is Hammered sufficiently. She will emerge from the hive, leaving a…
To catch a live Butterfly, you need to use a Bug Net. Bug Nets can only be used 10 times…
The most basic way to regain health is by eating Food, most of which typically provides 1-3 health when consumed.…
You can either use the console commands or creative command (found on the wiki), or the creative commands mod.
Locate the settings. ini and open it with Notepad and where it says [MISC]ENABLECONSOLE = false and rewrite it as…
Generally speaking, being in close proximity to Monsters, Darkness, Rain, eating bad or raw Food, or using various magic items…
Charlie, otherwise known as the Darkness or the Night Monster, is a hostile damage source unseen to the player in-game.…
Thulecite is generally acquired by destroying Ancient Statues and Ruins Sinkholes with a Pickaxe, Gunpowder etc., but they also have…
A safer and simpler way to get Nightmare Fuel is to capture Bees with a Bug Net and then release…