Can you play Battlefront 2 with keyboard and mouse on PC?

3 years ago

@xMickyj mouse and keyboard setup is not officially supported by the game when it comes to proper sensitivity settings but…

How do you press the PS button on a keyboard?

3 years ago

So, if you wanted to use the PS button with a keyboard attached, you simply need to press the pause/break…

Can’t connect to Borderlands 2 with friends?

3 years ago

Can’t connect to Borderlands 2? Potential fixes live here! Check the Ports. … Disable your firewall/add an exception. … Use…

How do you play local multiplayer on Borderlands 2?

3 years ago

0:396:01Borderlands 2 Multiplayer Gameplay – Local Co-Op Mode CommentaryYouTube

How do you get black rarity guns in Borderlands 2?

3 years ago

1:1112:46Borderlands 2: What Are Black Rarity Modded Hybrid Guns and Weapons …YouTube

How do you cheat in Borderlands 2?

3 years ago

Enter the Konami code:up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start, at the title screen to unlock…

How do I get to toothless Terry?

3 years ago

The Deckhand can be found in Hayter’s Folly, so make your way there through the Coastal Caverns. Head to Sandman’s…

What is the max level in Borderlands 2?

3 years ago

The max level in the Borderlands 2 base game is 50, giving you 45 skill points to spend. Gearbox actually…

What does the reborn mod do BL2?

3 years ago

0:453:55Borderlands 2 REBORN – What is it?! – YouTubeYouTube

What is BL2 reborn?

3 years ago

BL2 Reborn is a modpack and an overhaul with lots of customization options. In order to easily customize BL2 Reborn…