How do I keep my mouse active while away?

3 years ago


Do companies track mouse movement?

3 years ago

Software can track workers‘ keystrokes, mouse movements, and the websites they visit. Screenshots of employees check whether they are at…

Why does cursor jumps around when typing?

3 years ago

A: Usually when the cursor jumps around without reason, it’s caused by the user accidentally hitting the mouse touchpad on…

How do I make my mouse disappear when watching videos?

3 years ago

If the cursor is still visible on your screen while watching a movie or video, then you can try to…

How do I make my cursor disappear windows?

3 years ago

A. If you are using a laptop, you should try pressing the key combination on your laptop keyboard that can…

Why is my mouse moving on its own?

3 years ago

Mouse pointers most often move on their own because of dirt on the mousing surface or dirt within the mouse…

What does a mouse jiggler do?

3 years ago

The hardware-based Mouse Jiggler prevents your computer from going to sleep while you work or play. This plug-and-use USB device…

How can I tell if my boss is spying on my computer?

3 years ago

Check Your Background Processes If you’re on Windows 10, press the Alt + Ctrl + Del keys and open the…

Can my boss watch me on camera all day?

3 years ago

Employers can legally monitor almost anything an employee does at work as long as the reason for monitoring is important…

How do I make my mouse pointer disappear when not moving?

3 years ago

How to Make a Mouse Pointer Invisible Click on the "Start" button, and click on "Control Panel." Video of the…