Are there still updates for Xbox 360?

3 years ago

Note Xbox 360 support content is no longer being maintained. If you need more info about your Xbox 360 console,…

Can I do Civil War before main quest?

3 years ago

Skyrim’s Civil War Has a Bigger Impact on the Main Quest Than You Think. … There’s one main quest which…

Can you become High King in Skyrim?

3 years ago

The only way the Dragonborn could become offically the High King, is through the proper Nord tradition of the Moot.…

What faction should I join in Skyrim?

3 years ago

Hands down, the Dark Brotherhood is one of the best factions in Skyrim. Not only do you get to be…

Should I give up Riften or Dawnstar?

3 years ago

Give Riften to Tallius if you’re siding with him, give him Dawnstar if you’re Stormcloak. Nothing really affects gameplay or…

Who should you join in Skyrim?

3 years ago

Skyrim: The Best Factions In The Game 1 The Thalmor. Everyone knows the evil Thalmor faction are the real threat,…

Can you become king in Skyrim?

3 years ago

The only way the Dragonborn could become offically the High King, is through the proper Nord tradition of the Moot.…

Is there a big battle in Skyrim?

3 years ago

100 dragons vs. 1000 Imperial Archers in 4K resolution is just another perk of the remaster.

Should you join the Stormcloaks or the Imperials?

3 years ago

If players ever wanted to cosplay as a Roman legionnaire that can throw fireballs and yell people to death, then…

How do I start the Civil War Questline?

3 years ago

To join an army, you need to go to that army’s base to join (in Windhelm for the Stormcloaks, or…