0:031:37Dungeon Defenders 2 | How To Split-screen On The PS4 – YouTubeYouTube
Dungeon Defenders: Awakened from Chromatic Games is just shy of a year and a half past its PC release. The…
Dungeon Defenders 2 coming to a PC, Mac, Android and browser near you.
Available right now is the latest free-to-play title to hit Xbox One, PS4 and PC – Dungeon Defenders II.
Dungeon Defenders: Awakened is a co-operative Action RPG/Tower Defense game that brings loot, leveling, pets, and character customization to a…
Along with several other developers, we’ve asked Steam since 2014 to add the ability to use two Steam accounts at…
Play by yourself or alongside friends, with up to 4 player online and 2 player local (splitscreen) Co-Op. For more…
It hasn’t quite exited the confines of Early Access just yet, but Trendy Entertainment’s Dungeon Defenders 2 is currently free-to-play…
Key Features. 4-player Online and Local Co-Op – Team-up with up to 3 friends to defend cooperatively, with character classes…